Head of the
Order of Santiago
Head of the
Order of Santiago
Halfway between Cuenca and Madrid, on the side of a hill, stands Uclés, ancient villa of celtic origins, and romans, surrounded by the remains of walls and towers, that always protective and vigilant show the reason clearly strategic in this area. This set of fortifications, dial muslim past, there were many times disputed, and, after the reconquest by the christians, donated by the king Alfonso VIII to the Order of Santiago. A beautiful miniature of the Twist Less of Castile illustrates this act of the 9th of January in the year 1174. After this donation, the Order would transform the old convent into a majestic and extraordinary Monastery that would become the Caput Ordinis of the Order of Santiago.
More than two centuries
More than two
centuries of construction
Its construction, begun in 1529 with Charles I and completed in 1735, make a visit to this Monastery a true journey through centuries of art and history. The refectory, in the interior, is to stay oldest of the XVI century, with a coffered ceiling renaissance with 36 portraits of enigmatic knights perfectly preserved, which is the jewel of the visit for its uniqueness. Of nearly the same time is the sacristy plateresque where he left his footprint Andrés de Vandelvira. Your arrogance church herrera is the work of several architects, including highlighting the cuenca Francisco de Mora, completed in 1598, has earned him a seat to this Monastery the nickname of El Escorial of the Stain.
The single spire that is left, is crowned by the cross, the emblem of the order and under it, the characteristic figure of your vane: a cock that, even today, still turning to the rhythm of the winds.
All these rooms are organised around a courtyard since the EIGHTEENTH century, whose cloister, of thirty-six arches, surrounds the beautiful brocal baroque of the reservoir in the center. On a tour of their facades, although it emphasizes the herrerian style, we can admire the variety of styles: the facade thisplateresque style, trace-designed possibly by Enrique Egas, the facades herrerianas of the north and west, corresponding to the larger church, and finally, the main facade, churrigueresque, completed in 1735 by Pedro de Ribera, reigning as Philip V.
An eventful trip
up to the present
An eventful trip
up to the present
On January 13, 1809 was the site of the infamous Battle of Uclés, the first sack, which continued throughout the War of Independence, the invasion of the napoleonic troops would cause irreparable damage. The desamortizaciones force to close the building, and the Order of Santiago leaves so forced. In 1874 becomes the property of the Bishopric of Cuenca, which establishes it as a section of the Conciliar Seminary of the Basin. Between the NINETEENTH and TWENTIETH centuries, the monastery would happen for the most diverse uses and vicissitudes: a convent of jesuits expelled from France, college of secondary school and novitiate in the augustinian hospital of blood and finally after the Civil War, the deteriorating building was used as a prison by the government.
The proud
The knights of the
Order of Santiago.
The proud Knights of the
Order of Santiago
Be a member of the Order of Santiago was always an aspiration greatly desired due to the high distinction that it was supposed to, but get to show off their cross in the clothes of a knight was not the easy path. Francisco de Quevedo, after submitting and verifying your genealogy, managed to enter officially in the Order of the 29th of December, 1617. More commonly known, is the judgement that he had to undergo Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, where they had to testify of his friends, such as Francisco de Zurbarán, to attest that their roots clean were true and that their art was not motivated by profit economic manually, but had an intellectual.
There are many Gentlemen eminent whose contributions to the culture have been the Story, between the walls of the Monastery, in any place, lie the remains of Jorge Manrique, author of the well-known Verses on the Death of his Father, the remains , which supposedly would be next to his father, who was Grand Master of the Order in 1474.