Head of the
Order of Santiago

Head of the
Order of Santiago

More than two centuries

More than two
centuries of construction

An eventful trip
up to the present

An eventful trip
up to the present

The proud
The knights of the
Order of Santiago.

The proud Knights of the
Order of Santiago

We look forward to your visit

Muslim past of Uclés, torres del Pontido and Silver, canvas wall up to the Watch tower or keep.
Monastery, Caput Ordinis of the Order of Santiago, built between 1529 and 1735.
The Main façade, attributed to Pedro de Ribera, a pupil of Churriguera, true altarpiece in stone, dating from the year 1735.
Courtyard of a square with cloister in two heights, and thirty-six arches with evocative keys, all different, it was built in the baroque era.
Superb brocal baroque reservoir located in the middle of the courtyard to collect rain water for use
Hall or Large Room, presided over by the bust of Charles V, was designed to receive people from the nobility or the royal family itself. Rectangular floor and coffered ceiling almost unique, with 36 coffered octagonal show portraits idealized various characters.
Cassette Charles V with the attributes of the emperor (imperial crown and orb).
Cassette enigmatic representation. Skeleton with a crown of a count, remembering the emptiness of the greatness or worldly pleasures in front of the security of the death.
Sacristy with plateresque reliefs, the mark of Andrés de Vandelvira, consisting of two ships at a right angle in its vaults include the ribs, forming a drawing of a starry.
Felipe II in 1567 pushed to your visit to the continuation and completion of the construction of the Church. The work of the architect Francisco de Mora, formed together to Juan de Herrera in the works of El Escorial, giving the monastery of the herrerian style that characterizes it.
Sculpture polychrome of the XVI century, carved in stone, found in the crypt, polychrome.
Space that recreates the workshop of an artist, and where they show different pictures of the monastery. With a balcony, ideal to contemplate the picture of Ricci.
Are the paintings of the half-dome of the top, which represent the passion and glory of the Saviour, and which are attributed to Francisco de Ricci. And the box that presides over the altarpiece of st. James on horseback in the battle of Clavijo, 1670.
Gallery closed with arcs and formeros.
Imposing space that, in origin, it had a seating walnut greco-roman style and a stylish facistol and bodies to the sides.
Exposición de La Cámara de los Privilegios, con documentos e información de la cámara en la que se guardaban los documentos de la Orden de Santiago durante siglos.
Ladder regia imperial style, and opens up into two arms on the second body. With a curious deviation from the door and arches that give access to the high cloister.
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